Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Mine

When we realized Oliver was allergic to me, yes, allergic to me, I was devastated. I cried every time I put the bottle in his mouth and he went pawing for my chest. If it were up to me I'd still be nursing. I cut everything likely from my diet and after 8 weeks of him having rashes, congestion, gas, irregular bowels, we switched to soy formula. It was like magic, within 24 hours of the switch his skin was clear, his runny nose was gone and he was eating in peace. I was happy because he was happy but I feared I would loose that unmatchable bond between mother and child. After seeing a pediatrician that was pro-active in treatment I see a lot of changes for the better. We switched formulas to a simpler protein that also turns out to be more expensive. awesome. He is however teething and contracted a cold so that's been super. Of course, I blame myself for his pain by blaming it on him only being nursed for 8wks. Of course I blame myself.
After seeing our pricey formula fly out of the can due to his insatiable hunger as he weighs almost 20lbs and measuring well over two feet at nearly 5months old, I decided to try some solids. He was not a fan of the rice cereal alone. I'm going to try adding a little sweet potato to it next time. I made the sweet potatoes and carrots today, sent them through the blender and they were a hit! I make enough for the week and separate them into smaller containers, put one in the fridge for tomorrow and freeze the rest. I pull a serving out the night before to put in the fridge and defrost over night. I'm not a fan of the jarred stuff. Surprised? I will get some if we go somewhere and it's just not feasible to make the food. I don't care if it's on sale, I don't care if it's easier. It's easy for you to get fast food too, right? no thanks. It's a whole lot cheaper to buy a bag of organic veg and just do it yourself than paying for packaging and preservatives. It's also quite rewarding when you see them love what you just made and knowing exactly what is in it. And you can get pretty creative with the mixtures you make. When Jude was about 8 months I started throwing everything and anything in the processor. By the time he was a year old he had a pretty solid palate and would eat anything. I'm having a hard time with my picky pete now but I see that he is starting to come back to the little taste bud he was before.
The kids follow your lead. My rule is "you get what you get and you don't get upset." I take requests during the day but when it comes to dinner time it's my choice; mainly because I plan dinners a head of time so grocery shopping is more efficient cost wise. But Lindsey, what if he doesn't like it or eat it? sorry, you get what you get and you don't get upset.
Share an apple with someone.
Be well.

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